Join Us!

Local land trusts and historical societies play critical roles in Vermont’s communities. The Huntington Historical and Community Trust relies on individual support to continue our work to protect and enhance the historical and rural aspects of Huntington’s character, to conserve agricultural and forest lands, to preserve sites and structures of historic value, and to cultivate a quality environment and cohesive community. Please join us or renew your membership today. Your gift is tax-deductible. You can print out this page and fill in the form below to contribute or use the PayPal link at the bottom of this page.
Thank you very much for your support.
Yes, I want to become a member or renew my membership to HHCT!
You can either print this page, fill in the form below, and mail it back to us, or you can use the PayPal link below to make an online donation.
Mail-In Form
$15 - Single
$30 - Family
$50 - Supporter
$100 - Sponsor
$250 - Patron
$ __________ Other
$_______ TOTAL
Address: _____________________________________
Phone:___________________ Email:_________________________________________
Please make check payable to HHCT and return to: HHCT, PO Box 147, Huntington, VT 05462
Email Us at: [email protected]
Donate using PayPal
Click the button below to donate the HHCT via PayPal. (You don't need a PayPal account to do so, you can just enter your credit card information.)